The Best Small Savings Move To Make During Coronavirus


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There's nothing like a cold front to make you think about your finances. That's why I put together a list of the best small savings moves you can make during Coronavirus.

The first thing you'll want to do is get into the habit of saving money. You know how it goes: you spend all your money on "convenience" items, and then when they go on sale, you buy them without even thinking about it because they're so convenient! Well, now is the time to change that habit. You're going to be saving up for something big. so save up!

Next, take advantage of some small discounts at gas stations and grocery stores. You might not think that buying things in bulk or using coupons will help your bottom line, but when there are no other options available, these moves can really add up. Plus, being able to save money by getting rid of junk food and toilet paper means less spending overall.

And finally, consider signing up for direct deposit with your employer or bank so that salaries are automatically deposited into your account each month. This will allow you to get paid faster.

Learners Quest

Valued Contributor
The best small saving moves to make during coronavirus is to make sure you stay hydrated. Especially if you have the flu, this will be your best defense. These small savings moves to make during coronavirus can be as simple as drinking more water or adding a little lemon juice to your usual tea. It's very important that you stay hydrated at all times and with these small savings moves, it's easy.
Short term accommodation during coronavirus
If you are unwell, then the best small savings move to make during coronavirus is to book a hotel if possible. At the very least, if you have some friends or family who can house you for a couple of days.

Having somewhere to rest and be looked after, feeling comfortable in your surroundings will aid your recovery time. You can also use this time to do some laundry, clean up and even cook your favorite comfort foods as well get any chores done that have been too hard with an under the weather body.