who has learned from many mistakes in past investments?


Valued Contributor
Some example of people who has learned from their mistakes in the past:

  • People who invested in stocks when it was at a high price and then the price fell, like people who invested in Yahoo stock before it went down due to restructuring.
  • People who have had times where their investments didn't yield much of a return and realized that they need to diversify their portfolio.
  • Someone who has made all of the right decisions with their investments during a financial crisis, like someone investing in gold.

Knowing what not to do when investing is just as important as knowing what you should do when investing - some people learn these mistakes from others or from reading about them or from making them themselves.

Here are some example of things that people have done that they regretted.

  • Not diversifying their investments by putting too much money into one thing, like putting all of their money in one stock or putting all of their money in only one type of bond when they could have diversified.
  • Investing in stocks when the stock market was going up when it was at a high price or investing in stocks when the stock market was at a low price.
  • Investing in an investment when there is a crash and then having to deal with that crash and investing for a long time until another crash comes along.