What Does the Average American Earn Per Year?

Learners Quest

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The average American earns around $45,000 per year. In comparison to other countries in the world, this is a hefty salary. But what factors affect how much people earn? There are many different variables involved and you have to consider all of these in order to figure out what the average American makes.

For example, if you are talking about the United States as a whole, then you have to take into account such factors as education level, industry of employment and occupation. If you want one specific line of work like for example if you want to know about agricultural workers or office clerks; then it would be wise to consider things like country, location and even occupation type before coming up with an average number of earnings for that particular job position.

It can get really complicated to figure out the full picture of what the average American makes, but it's possible to do. If you want to know about the average salary for a certain job, for example if you want to know about how much an office clerk makes or what a farmer makes, then you should try calculating some statistics first. You can come up with these numbers by taking into account the following factors:
Rural - Urban - Female - Male - Hispanic - White


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The average American can earn up to $ 74,000 per year . This is a broad range since it depends on what occupation they are in and their gender . There are also many factors that can affect how much one earns such as experience , location , marital status and whether or not they have children .

While the average American earns $ 74,000 annually across all occupations there are some jobs that earn a lot more than others . For instance surgeons earn up to $208 ,000 per year and lawyers can make up to $112,000 per year .