Exploring the Australian Public Health Insurance(Medicare)

Etini Willie

Active member
For Citizens of Australia, there exists public health insurance managed by the government. It is administered by the regions through their respective governments. It provides cover for a range of health issues which include consultation and pharmaceuticals. It is administered under a program called "Medicare". All citizens of Australia are eligible to enroll in Medicare.

However, the Australian government-powered Medicare does not cover all aspects of medical care. To access these services not offered by Australian medicare, citizens buy private health insurance. In this post, I would explore the things that Australian Medicare does not offer coverage for

1) Treatment from a private Hospital: If a person receives treatment from a private hospital, it is not covered by Australian Medicare. That is to say that Australian Medicare is only available in government-owned hospitals.

2) Dental Services: If an Australian is relying on Australian Medicare for coverage on Dental services, it is not going to work. You would need private health insurance to get that sorted. Australian Medicare doesn't provide cover for dental services.

These two medical services are what is not covered by Australian Medicare. It is necessary to plan for them in case you have need to visit Australia.