Money saving tips for young adults


Valued Contributor
Below are money saving tips for young adults. These tips are aimed at those of us still in school and/or just starting out in the real world.

-Set up a savings account with some funds saved automatically every month
-Save every penny you earn and don’t cash them in until you have at least $1,000
-Income tax returns? Put that money right back into your savings account
-Get an online bank account to manage your money because it is simpler and has no ATM fee
-Compare credit cards before getting one because they usually come with a lot of hidden fees like processing fees, annual fees, late payments etc.
-Don’t sign a lease when you do not need to, this will save a lot of money
-Get rid of high interest credit cards completely. They have no benefit and will just cost you more money in the long run
-Shop online for the best deals. You’ll find many online stores give discounts if you use their site as opposed to others.
-Compare prices before buying anything. It’s much better to pay a little more now and purchase cheaper items later on. This way you save on the price and won’t feel ripped off later on when something runs out or breaks down.


Valued Contributor
Young adulthood is a time of spending money I think this really happen when they are not too actively making money

So because they are always gifted they don't know the extent by which it can be very difficult to make money.

So it will be good for young adults to save money even from the little that they are gifted a very good way for young adults to have money is to start working at whatever job overdid it brings in money they will be able to live a better financial life when they are able to be in control of their finances and how to spend it.