Make Money by Building News-Based Apps or Websites


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Information is the key to building knowledge, thus, a lot of people are always searching for relevant and up-to-date information. Therefore, there is a great demand for news. Sadly, fake news spread pretty fast and people end up consuming the wrong information.

If you launch a news-based website or app, you have a great potential to make money. Even though you can create a subscription-based news website or app, you can earn better if you offer services for free and monetize the app/website through ads.

You don’t even need to write news content, you can just source your content from other media companies through RSS feed. If you want to offer original content, you can also do it.

Instead of offering general news and information, you should focus on niches. While choosing niche, you should choose a micro niche. In other words, instead of offering politics, economy, entertainment, etc news from your app or website, you can choose one niche, for example, sports. Sports include a lot of games, therefore, you can choose specific sports, soccer for example, and offer relevant information on this niche to your audience. If you chose a micro niche you will find a loyal audience. It is easier to build traffic if you choose a micro niche.