How To Stop Stress Shopping From Ruining Your Finances


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Stress shopping is a real thing. It's kind of like a drug addiction. you just can't stop once you start.

It's like the old saying goes: "If you want to know what a man will do, watch how he spends his money." That's not just a cliché. it's literally how most people get to know their partners or colleagues. If you're stressed about money and can't seem to stop spending on unnecessary things, it may be because your brain is wired to make spending decisions based on the way those things make you feel.

So if you want to stop stress shopping from ruining your finances, here are some tips:

1) Take care of yourself first. Sleep well! Eat well! Exercise regularly! And remember that stress eating is no good for anyone but yourself (and maybe the economy).

2) Find some time in your schedule for "spending money" that isn't stressful-spending. This could be going out with friends or family, buying yourself flowers for no particular reason, or even just clearing out your cupboards and throwing out stuff that doesn't work anymore (we know this is hard!).

3) Make a list of things you need and want, and prioritize them. If you're really stressed out, it might be best to just pick one thing that you really want, and spend your money on it.

4) Don't buy anything new! If you're feeling especially stressed out, try not to buy anything new at all. you can always sell or give away what you already have if you don't want it anymore. You might even donate it to charity instead of having to figure out what to do with something you no longer need (or want).

5) Go grocery shopping with a friend! This one seems obvious but I promise it works! And if nothing else helps calm your mind down enough.


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1. Recognize the Problem. Acknowledge that you have a problem with stress shopping and that it is negatively affecting your finances.

2. Identify Your Triggers. Take some time to identify the situations or feelings that lead you to stress shop.

3. Develop a Strategy. Come up with a plan to deal with your triggers in a more productive way, such as taking a walk, talking to a friend, or writing in a journal.

4. Set a Budget. Decide how much you can realistically spend on discretionary items each month and stick to it.

5. Choose What to Buy. Make a list of items you need or want to buy and stick to it. Avoid impulse purchases by shopping with a plan.

6. Practice Self-Care. Take time for yourself to relax and reduce stress. This could be something as simple as taking a bath or exercising.

7. Get Support. Consider talking to a financial advisor or joining a support group for people with similar struggles.

8. Track Your Spending. Monitor your spending to ensure you are staying within your budget and not overspending on stress purchases.


Valued Contributor
I'm just knowing about this term called stress shopping I've never heard about it and I never know about it but from your explanation I think I understand your point the thing is that there are some people that can't do without spending they just love to spend their money especially on things that they don't really need but because they enjoy spending or shopping they keep on spending their money.

The best bet for me is always to leave the house with very small amount of money because if you have enough on you you will start spending it and stopping it will be difficult.