How To Manage Time After Retirement


Active member
If you have a lot of todos on your calendar as a retiree ranging from starting a business, traveling, getting another job etc, it is overwhelming to effectively manage your time, we are going to discuss how you can manage and get value for your work.

1) Create A Journal: Journaling is the best way to keep record of what you are doing and time, this will help you to be accountable, personally, I have an experience with a journal, since I started journaling, my life became productive.

2) Compartmentalize Your Time: You have to create a time block, let's say from 4am to 8am, you can schedule for a task and then 10am to 2pm, by doing that you will have an ample time to organize your day, there are different ways to do that, there is Pomodoro time block and many other time block.

3) Prioritize Rest: Even if you want manage your time, rest should be your priority, as a retired person you should take time to rest, rest can be done by sleeping 8 to 10 hours a day, or taking naps during the day.

There are different ways you can manage your time these tips will help you tremendously.


Valued Contributor
One of the biggest challenges after retirement is finding ways to manage your time. It can be easy to suddenly have a lot more free time on your hands, and it's important to find ways to fill that time in a way that is meaningful and satisfying. Here are a few tips for how to manage your time after retirement:

1. Get involved in your community. There are likely many organizations and groups in your community that could use your help and expertise. Volunteer your time to a cause that you're passionate about, or join a club or group that meets regularly.

2. Take up a new hobby. Now is the perfect time to try something new that you've always been interested in. Whether it's painting, hiking, gardening, or cooking, exploring a new hobby can help you stay active and engaged.

3. Stay social. Retirement can be a time when you see your social circle shrink, as friends and family members move away or pass away. Make an effort to stay in touch with your loved ones, and to meet new people. Joining a book club or going to community events are great ways to do this.