How to Get General Liability Insurance for Your Business


Staff member
If you run your business or own a company that sells products and services, you need to know about getting general liability insurance. This type of insurance protects the assets of your business in the event that someone gets hurt while on your property. For example, let's say that you were working at home and a child accidentally fell from your ladder. The cost of this accident could include medical expenses and possible property damages. If you don't have this insurance coverage, the potential losses could run into thousands of dollars.

This is why every business should have some form of insurance to protect them against these potential losses. Small businesses should consider having their personal insurance to protect them against these costs and being covered by a large enough policy to cover any liability situations that could arise. However, small businesses can be covered even more with commercial general liability insurance.

Small businesses can get general liability insurance by purchasing it as an individual policy. They can also get protection from the Small Business Administration. These policies are sometimes called BOP policies. A lot of companies offer them because they are easier to get. You may even find that your local insurance agent can recommend a BOP that your state requires you to have.

If you decide to get general liability insurance yourself, you'll likely need to research the various plans that are available to you. There is not a standard set of plans for businesses like there is for personal insurance. Every business is different and so is their specific needs and coverage requirements. It can be difficult to know what coverage is right for your situation unless you speak to a professional.

One other way that you can be protected is by getting a personal injury or property damage lawsuit protection policy. These policies pay for personal injury or property damage that you have suffered as a result of someone else's negligence. This can help cover your medical expenses as well as any lost wages that resulted from being unable to work because of the injury. In many cases, the injured party will be fully compensated without you having to worry about filing a lawsuit.

If you own any type of business that has employees, you're required by law to have workers' compensation coverage. It is important that you have this type of protection because if you don't, you could be facing serious financial trouble down the road. Your employees are your livelihood and they should not have to suffer in the pay for your negligence. You should check with your state workers' compensation system for the exact types of injuries and damages that you are responsible for covering. Different states have different rules, regulations, and requirements for these policies. The only way to be sure is to talk to a qualified insurance agent who can explain your options and explain why you need this coverage.