difference between general and professional liability insurance?


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One of the difference between general liability insurance and professional liability insurance is that general liability insurance covers any damage or injury that occur as a result of a business activities, while professional liability insurance only covers damages or injuries that occur as a result of professional negligence. Another difference between both is that general liability insurance will only cover you for third-party damages, while professional liability insurance will only cover you for damages incurred by a client. What this means is that if a customer sues you for damages, your professional liability insurance will cover the cost. But however, if a third party sues you for damages, your general liability insurance will cover the cost. Lastly, general liability insurance has a lower premium when compared to professional liability insurance. This is because the risk covered by general liability insurance are generally less severe than the risks of a professional liability insurance. the one you need will really depend on the nature of your business, if you're in a high-risk environment, be sure to opt in for professional liability insurance but if you are in a low-risk environment be sure to choose the later.