How to cancel your homeowners insurance policy


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You might just to cancel your homeowners insurance policy for whatever reasons, which you can do but you know for homeowners insurance you pay your premium upfront, you would need to have another homeowners insurance policy in place before cancelling the previous one. if you have put this in place you can do the following to cancel yours.

Confirm your new policy
When you about to do your cancellation you need to confirm your new policy. Confirm that your new insurance company has gotten your first home insurance premium payment. Once the payment is processed, your new policy is good to go and cancelling can be effected.

Contact your current insurance

The next thing will be to give your current home insurance company a heads tell them your plan to cancel. They would send you a form to state your details for cancellation. You might be asked to pay cancellation fees especially if you cancel early or within the first two months of your policy.

Provide necessary documentation

You would need to offer your insurance company with written notice to cancel your policy and process any refunds. Better still send. in a simple letter with your personal details like

Your full name, address of the insured home, your phone number
your policy number, the date and time of policy cancellation, your new insurance company, your our new policy number, your new policy’s start date