How to be more productive

Learners Quest

Valued Contributor
If you want to be more productive towards making money and getting things done, you should adjust the way you think about time. We've put together a list of tricks to help get back on track and make the most of your limited resources. These include:

-- Plan a schedule for what you need to get done from the start of your day until it ends. When you have a specific time for each task, it will make it easier to stay on track.

- Avoid tempting distractions that keep you from working on your goals. The Internet can be a big distraction if you aren't careful! Set limits for the amount of time that you can use entertainment sites like Facebook or YouTube, and stick to those limits. If you aren't able to do something right away, write it down so that you won't forget about it later.

- Setting reminders for meetings, phone calls, things to purchase etc.

These are just a few of the things you can do to help you become more productive. The key is setting reminders because it can help you stay on task and stay focused on what needs to get done. Write down your reminders so that they can stay by your side as you go throughout your day. Some people jot them down in a notebook, while others prefer to use an online calendar program or app. Find what works best for you and remember: There’s no one way to keep track of what needs to be done! By changing it up each day, you will be more likely to stick with the plan. In the end you’ll be happier and more productive at work.