How insurance company makes money


Valued Contributor
As always stated the insurance company is no non profit making organisation. It is a profit making company though they tend to provide coverage for clients but they still make money from giving these protections.

So what are the numerous ways insurers make their money

The main source of money making for any insurer is through commissions and fees collected from clients i.e earned on sold policies. These commissions are from the percentage of the client policy's total annual premium.

An insurance premium is the amount of money an individual or business pays for an insurance policy.
Insurers also invest the premium which as become a kind of income for the insurance company. insurers look out for viable acts to invest the premiums gotten. This way the clients make higher returns to offset some of the costs of providing the insurance coverage. With this insurer can help the insured and keep prices competitive as well

Again they use the premiums received to acquire assets with high liquidity and return levels. The rule though is that an insurer should maintain a some level of liquidity. This level is normally set by State insurance regulators this is necessary to ensure that insurers can pay claims.

Lastly,An insurance agent do earn a lump sum percentage on the first-year premium of a policy and a regular yearly residual income payment from same policy.


Active member
I will also add this. Apart from fees and commission another way that I think they make there money is that it is not all there clients that they will pay back to but only few. So most of the money collected from there clients weekly or monthly will there's automatically


Active member
Once a very small percentage of customers who purchase an insurance policy, will file a claim, so the money which they pay annually will remain with the insurance company. The insurance company can reinvest the money to maximize the profit they make, since the money they pay towards insurance claims is usually less.