Hard vs. soft fraud of insurance


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Insurance has two forms of insurance fraud that can be categorised under hard fraud or soft fraud.

Soft fraud
Soft fraud that is otherwise known as opportunistic fraud. in insurance is very common and carried out than hard fraud.

Soft fraud or opportunistic fraud.occurs when policyholders exaggerating his or her legitimate claims. it isn't that the claims is false but the claimant is claiming more than necessary and inflating the price of things
This is just like one getting involved in an automotive collision. Then the insured person will go ahead to file a claim way higher than the damage than what really occurred. Another example of this kind of fraud of Soft hard is when an insurance holder gets a new health insurance policy, and goes ahead to give a misreports of the previous or existing conditions to gets a lower premium on the insurance policy.

Hard fraud

Hard fraud in insurance is when a person intentionally plans or invents a loss. These are injuries, bruises, harms, destructive that are premeditated by the individual and carried out to game the insurance system
such as a collision, auto theft, or fire So any damage that is covered by an insured insurance policy just to claim payment for damages is hard fraud. Fraudsters sometimes get involved in hard fraud schemes that can steal millions of dollars.


Active member
Yes, insurance fraud is quite common, since the amount claimed is often very large. In some cases, people are murdered and the beneficiary may falsely claim that it is an accident to get insurance. The insurance company will often consult experts, to verify the insurance claim if it considers it suspicious and may reject the claim if it finds that there is some fraud.


Valued Contributor
There are two types of fraud that can be committed against an insurance company: hard fraud and soft fraud. Hard fraud is when someone deliberately lies or withholds information in order to receive a benefit they are not entitled to. An example of hard fraud would be if someone intentionally damaged their car in order to collect the insurance money. Soft fraud, on the other hand, is when someone exaggerates their claim or includes false information that is not material to the claim. An example of soft fraud would be if someone included a couple of extra days of car rental in their insurance claim.

Which type of fraud is more common? That’s hard to say. Insurance companies lose billions of dollars to fraud every year, but it’s difficult to know how much of that is hard fraud and how much is soft fraud. Some estimates put the amount of hard fraud at 10%, while others estimate that as much as 50% of all insurance claims contain some element of fraud.

So which type of fraud is more costly to insurance companies? Again, that’s hard to say. Hard fraud is usually more expensive per claim, but soft fraud can add up to a lot of money if it’s widespread. Insurance companies have to be on the lookout for both types of fraud and do their best to prevent it.