Concept of Budget surplus


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Have you been wondering what budget surplus means?
Then surely, you're going to find your answer below.
What is budget surplus?
There is said to be budget surplus if the proposed government expenditure is less than the estimated government revenue during a financial year. In other words, the government plans to. Spend less money than it's likely to get through taxafion taxation and other situation... This tends to occur as a result of marketers raising up the cost of some commodities , in order to pressurize the government onto increasing the prizes of the estimated government revenue.. In this situation, reserves will be accumulated for use in other years... Yeah, that's how budget surplus simply works, it also involves the keeping up of some budget for future use, this mainly deals with the government and marketers and might somehow deals with the workers.. Marketers and even the government tends to practice budget surplus because to facilitate the prices of commodities and make them available in the coming years , so as to increase and high up the value of some particular commodities, so that buyers can patronize and recommend on them with a sustituent price , in this case the demand for some other commodities might be higher than another.