Car insurance penalties and bonuses in the UK


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With UK car insurance, there is the no-claims discount system for the insured. This system is to make insured that don’t make any claims for some period of time to get some discount. All insurers in the UK have the no claim bonus scheme in place. So users or the insured are liable to this discount which could be between 50-80% when once there are no unnecessary claims for about 10 years.

Another bonus issued by car insurance company in the UK is the 30% discount for each claim free year. For other subsequent years, 5% is added for each year going forward till the insured get to the maximum. Another good thing is that an insured can transfer no claims periods to another insurer if need be.

So as car insurance companies, gives no-claims periods, they also has penalties for drivers that have poor driving records. The penalty will be of very high premium on the following:

Inexperienced driver, that are those that are yet to master the art of driving

If one is too young to ride

Any car accident that were the fault of the insured

There will be points for drunk-driving or speeding away

It is always good to be on the safe site of the insurance company