Alliance of American Insurers (AAI's)


Active member
The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI's) is an organization with membership, established in Chicago, Illinois, and primarily made up of property and casualty insurance businesses. Its goals include influencing the public and lawmakers on issues pertaining to the property and casualty insurance sector, publishing documents, conducting research, and offering a range of educational programs for member companies. The AAI has a number of publications that are available to members at no cost or at a reduced fee. They include:

Insurance Law Journal (ILJ) - A quarterly publication that provides access to legal updates from the insurance industry. The information provided by ILJ is meant to be shared with all members of the Aliance of American Insurers, AAI (including those outside their membership). This publication is distributed only to AAI members who request it through their mailings list manager.

Insurance Leaders - A bi-monthly magazine which includes articles written by industry leaders and experts in the field. The articles provide insight into current issues within the industry as well as suggestions on how member companies can respond to them. This publication is distributed only to AAI members who request it through their mailings list manager. The AAI has published several reports on topics such as state regulation of insurance companies, inflationary trends in property/casualty insurance rates, and the impact of rising healthcare costs on the industry's financial condition.

The AAI's mission is to also promote competition in the property/casualty insurance industry by advocating for policy solutions that allow consumers to choose among different products offered by insurers. The AAI advocates for policies that result in lower prices for consumers; greater availability of quality products; more choice among insurers; lower investment risk; improved capital markets; innovation in developing new products; fair treatment of all insureds regardless of race, gender or other protected classes; and increased regulatory oversight over insurers' operations.