Why you need to save reguarly


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Savings is Indeed a long term investment.
So this simply implies that regularity really matters in saving, yeah you need to save much as you can. But it's not actually enough that way because the presence if regularity is also need in order to claim a successful and favorable saving.
Why do I need to save regularly?
First, anything that's done at early age usually comes out with the best outcome. Getting back to why you need to save regularly, as a worker have you ever been in a situation where by you feel so hydrated about your income or funds ?
You may have thought of other factors to be the reason for it but it's actually the lack of regular saving. As a matter of fact, to save alone is not enough to assure you a good future.
Saving regularly would bring you a lot of benefits and therefore these benefits are attached to your future. And we all know that we shouldn't joke with anything related to our future. So you can see how the chain moves, and it started from regular saving down to future in nutshell try and always save regularly, because it's the best firm of investment ever!


Valued Contributor
There is no two ways about it we have to be saving as much as we can because it is for our own financial good. the thing is that as life is so unpredictable so it is with financial demands so what is when an expected problems or issues crop up and they are money demanding we will need to get some money from your savings to save the situations

Thinking of always borrowing to solve future money demanding problems might not work out all the time for you. So to save yourself the stress of running around to see who will borrow you money you need to save.


Active member
In some countries, citizens who have been saving their money from a young age for their retirement find that government agencies are falsely labelling them a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof to steal their savings without a court order, so the citizen or professional does not have access to the funds. Usually citizens from poorer communities only find that the government employees are falsely claiming that the stolen savings, belong to their relatives and friends, who have no income or savings of their own. The well paid government employees are getting a very good salary and pension, yet they are allowed to steal the savings of a private citizen without a legally valid reason, causing great financial hardship and also demotivating the citizen, who is denied her fundamental rights.

Learners Quest

Valued Contributor
If you have not started saving regularly yet, there are a few reasons why you should begin.

First, even if the stock market is doing well overall, there could be a downturn in the future. A stock market crash can happen at any time and could have a significant impact on your savings. In fact, one study found that over 60% of people who experienced a stock market downturn in their lifetime lost money.

Second, you may not be able to save enough money if you don't start saving now. The average person only has $18,000 saved up for retirement, and the average American has only $5,000 saved up in their personal savings account. If you don't start saving now, you could end up missing out on opportunities to save more money in the future.

Finally, if you don't start saving now, you may never have the opportunity to save at all. Many people don't start saving until they are in their late 30s or early 40s, and by then it may be too late. If you don't start saving now, you may not be able to retire on your own or afford a comfortable retirement.