Why do people avoid retirement while they're still young?

The most common reason for people to avoid retirement is the fear of not having enough money. People perceive that they need to work through their later years just for survival, so not saving for retirement can be seen as a short-term necessity. But those who have looked at their finances carefully will tell you that there are plenty of ways to have enough money in your golden years without too many financial worries. The following tips can help you achieve that goal of saving money for retirement, even when you are still young.

1. Follow the 4% rule.
In terms of retirement planning, there's a rule of thumb that says you should withdraw no more than 4% of your savings each year to make the money last over your lifetime. By doing so, you don't have to worry about withdrawing too much from your savings at once and running out of money before you die. You can also withdraw 4% from your retirement funds without having to worry about how much your lifestyle has changed since your last withdrawal.

2. Contribute to a retirement plan.
Both you and your employer should contribute to a retirement plan, even if it only allows you to make partial payments. Even if you are in a lower tax bracket at work, as soon as you start contributing more, the IRS will give you the credit for all of it in taxes, so there's no reason not to contribute if it is available.

3. Use the power of compound interest on your investments.
As soon as you start saving money for retirement, you need to make contributions to a retirement plan, invest your money in a way that will grow over time and invest the resulting interest in another account. That way, your money will continue growing.

4. Don't be afraid of investing in mutual funds or bonds.
Although it doesn't grow as fast as stocks and bonds can, they also have the ability to compound interest with just a little extra effort. You should only invest in stocks and bonds if you are truly an expert at it; otherwise you should stick with mutual funds or bonds instead of keeping all of your retirement money in the stock market itself.

5. Develop an overall plan.
Some people might say that retirement is a little early in life to make plans, especially considering that it doesn't happen right away. However, if you plan carefully and follow the tips above, you will be able to significantly reduce your debt and save money for retirement without too much effort.
You should remember that the most important thing is to be financially prepared so you can enjoy your golden years without having to worry about whether you have enough money or not. Retirement planning takes time, effort and sacrifice, but it's worth it when you consider how good it feels at the end of your working career knowing that you won't have to keep working just because you don't have enough money for retirement.