What factors affect your rates


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There are different factors that affect your insurance rates and they can be broken down into four categories:

• History. Your driving history plays a key role in determining your auto insurance rates. If you have a good driving history, then you will likely have lower rates than someone with an at-fault accident or DUI conviction on their record.

• Deductibles. The deductible is the amount of money that you pay for each claim before your auto insurer pays out anything for damages to your vehicle or injuries to others in an accident you are responsible for. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium will be. So, if you choose to go with a high deductible, then you can save a lot of money on your insurance.

• Your age and gender. The younger you are and male you are, the more likely you are to get into an accident – which also means that your rates will be higher than older drivers or female drivers. Having good credit may also help to lower your rates.

• Your car type, value and location of use. Driving certain types of cars or cars that hold their value well will help to keep your premiums down. Also, if you drive in a more urban area, then you could save money on your premiums.