What are the benefits of disability insurance?


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Disability insurance can be a great way of protecting your income in the event of an injury or illness, but it's not just about saving up money. In fact, disability insurance can offer many other benefits.

First, it allows you to continue working without worrying about the stress of taking time off work when you're unable to do your job. In some cases, this could mean keeping your job even if you've been injured. You may even be able to return to your job after several months or years away from work due to a long-term illness or injury.

Second, disability insurance helps protect your family from financial hardship if you are unable to work for some time due to illness or injury and need assistance from them financially during that time period.

Third, disability insurance can help provide financial support for someone who has had an accident that leaves them unable to work temporarily or permanently, such as a stroke or heart attack. This could include medical costs and compensation for lost wages associated with being unable to work due to injury or illness.