Should I sell my house in a declining market?

Learners Quest

Valued Contributor
Selling Your house in a declining market can be a scary prospect to consider. You’ve invested time and money into your house, and there is always the possibility that you could lose some of those investments if the value of your property decreases. But then again, what are your options? If you don’t sell now, do you have any way to get out of your current home - assuming it will even continue to hold its value in the long-term?

One advantage of selling now is that you’ll have more room to negotiate on price and terms without risking the loss of your house. Another option is to attempt to rent your home out, but this could be a very difficult and time-consuming process. In most cases, both options are viable if you want to get rid of your home as soon as possible but still prevent any financial losses.

So what should you do? First, take note of the current climate in your area. If it’s an area that is already experiencing a slowing economy or lower housing values, then it may be best not to sell this year at all. This could result in lower than expected income and much larger than expected losses later down the road.

Then again, you could be in a city with a booming economy and housing market that is expected to continue to climb. If your property is still in demand, then you should definitely consider selling. You could earn a much higher sale price for the same amount of work compared to a buyer who has just recently entered the market or recently sold their home.

In some cases, this can even lead to multi-million dollar sales in which the seller benefits from both an increase in value and sale price since the beginning of the year - without having had to sell at all! Other factors that contribute to an increased value include renovations and no negative factors such as maintenance or anti-social behavior.