Life insurance underwriting: What to expect ?


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Life insurance underwriting is a process that takes place between your agent and the insurance company. It's a way for the company to evaluate your risk of dying, and help you determine if they'll be able to profit from insuring you.

The first step in this process is to gather some basic information about yourself. You may need to provide information such as your name, birth date, address, occupation, marital status and family size. You may also be asked to provide information about any medical conditions you have or have had in the past.

Once you've completed this form, your agent will submit it to an underwriter at the insurance company. The underwriter will then compare your information against the data in their database of customers who are looking for life insurance. If they think there's a good chance that you'll die within 10 years of applying for coverage (or another period determined by them), then they'll offer you a policy and begin processing payments towards it!