Income Tax Situation in Other Countries

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Australia's income tax
Within the Australian taxation system, income tax is the most significant and important source of revenue for the Australian government. It is supported by three key pillars: capital gains, corporate profits, and personal incomes. Australia follows a progressive tax system, which means that the more you make, the more you'll have to pay in taxes. The federal government levies the tax on the taxable income of both people and corporations.

American income tax

The United States of America adheres to the progressive tax system, which implies that the more you make, the more you'll have to pay in taxes. In the USA, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is in charge of levying and collecting income tax. There are separate taxation regimes for the federal and state governments. Both are completely distinct, and each has the power to impose taxes on its own. There is no authority for the federal government to intervene with state taxation. Each state has a unique tax structure that sets it apart from the others. The tax system in the United States is very intricate.

China has an income tax
All workers in China, whether they are Chinese or foreigners, must pay Individual Income Tax (IIT) on their income. IIT is a challenging tax structure. This tax depends on:
a) Where you live. A person's residency in China is taken into account when determining whether or not they are subject to individual income tax and how much.

b) If a person is an expatriate,
C) How long has he or she been residing in China,
d) The source of their income, and who is responsible for paying their salary.

There is an income tax in the UK.
Taxes are assessed based on the payer's capacity to pay; those with higher incomes are presumed to have a larger capacity to pay. Income taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, UK inheritance taxes, and value-added taxes are among the main taxes. Taxes are the main source of revenue.