HPSO Professional Liability - Know What You Are Covered For!


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The professional liability insurance for health care facilities offered through HPSO protects clients from claims made by patients claiming that you were negligent in rendering or failing to render, professional medical services, which includes the cost of your legal defense. When you engage in the practice of providing health care services and your business becomes the victim of negligence by one or more of your employees, you should consider seeking protection under HPSO laws. As a result of these laws, your insurance policy will likely pay damages for these claims. Your lawyer can assist you in making sure that you are properly protected.

One of the primary goals of HPSO is to reduce malpractice liability, but it is just one element of many that HPSO attempts to accomplish. In order to protect yourself from having to deal with such problems, you must be able to demonstrate that the potential damage would be a result of the actions of the individual or company responsible for your injuries. To do this, you must prepare a detailed HPSO professional liability, claim, report that details each claim that you have filed with HPSO and the action that you anticipate taking, if appropriate. This may include denial of malpractice damages, payment of compensation to a named injured party, indemnification, and return of payments.

As stated before, the primary goal of HPSO is to reduce liability. By protecting yourself from being held personally liable for covered claims, you will be better equipped to meet your obligations when you engage in your professional services. When it comes to your business assets, the protection provided by HPSO coverage keeps you financially protected. The coverage offered is designed to ensure that claims of negligence are reduced while providing you with peace of mind that your property and those of your clients are covered, even when you are not the one being accused.