How to prepare for retirement?


Valued Contributor
Here is a guide on how to prepare for retirement, including how to estimate your retirement savings and change your lifestyle accordingly. Regardless of your age, you should take these seven steps to ensure a comfortable and dignified retirement.

1- Find out which country's Social Security will be the best for you: Germany, Italy and France offer a full range of social security benefits that can significantly supplement private savings in order to maximize GDP from the working years.
2- Review your present living arrangements: Moving closer or moving away from family members can prove essential if there are long term healthcare needs or if one is independently reliant on income for their needs.
3- Review your financial situation: Is your old house in a viable condition, your savings adequate and sufficient? Take these and other factors into account to have a convenient and comfortable retirement period.
4- Review your health care needs: Some countries provide access to better healthcare than others. Will you move into a new house?
5- Review the spousal situation: What will be the living arrangements with any family member? Do they have a valid visa to travel and live in the country in question?
6- Review your personal needs: What activities will you engage in and how do they fit into your new lifestyle? Which clubs, societies, sports or hobbies would you like to join or rejoin after retirement?
7- Consider your retirement options when changing countries: Lump sums, pensions and annuities should be considered as choices of income.