How to make the most of watching haul videos?


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When you watch a haul video, take some time to jot down any particularly interesting products that the person shows. This will give you a starting point for your own research if you decide you want to buy something similar.

Create a wish list

As you watch more and more haul videos, you'll probably start to get some ideas about things you'd like to buy for yourself. Keep track of these items by creating a wish list, either in a physical notebook or on your computer. That way, when you do have some extra money to spend, you'll know exactly what you want to buy.

Analyze your spending habits

After watching enough haul videos, you may start to notice some patterns in your own spending habits. Maybe you tend to buy a lot of clothes but never really use them, or perhaps you're always picking up little trinkets even though your house is already cluttered. Analyzing your spending habits can help you figure out ways to save money in the future.