How to easily move from a rented house and save rent money.

Etini Willie

Active member
If we calculate the amount of money we spend on rent yearly. It would be shocking to all the fact that we could have easily lived in our apartment. If you have paid rent for up to three years in a bed-sitter apartment, then you would have easily gotten a house with those funds. The first thing to do is to get land. If you are earning a reasonable amount of income, you should be able to easily get a man's in two years. Can you seallowborodebandbgo stay with your parents, friends, and relatives for just two years?

In that two years, be sure that your target is to get land. When the land is secured, you have solved more than half of the problem. Just get an architect to sketch a building plan for you. While that is going on, you can set up a makeshift temporary accommodation with wood and PVC. A sound Carpenter can fix that up. You can move into that makeshift temporary structure. And they were there. Then you do your building project at your own pace. You would have become a landlord in 2 years. You would have avoided paying rebt entirely. I think it is a nice prospect.


Valued Contributor
This is just it, it is good to always start from where you are with the little you have. As you have rightly stated it is true for one that want to have a home of their own you can start from with having a land. When once a land is gotten, building a home of your own is fast approaching.

You can achieve this by making a savings in the fixed deposit account. The truth is that it is never easy but it is achievable when one put the mind to it to achieve it. Just start at your pace and take it from there.

Paul Abel

Active member
But then it is very economical to have your own house than to be in a rented house because you will have to pay rent which you won't be doing if you were staying in your own personal house.

And and as you have said the best thing to do is to take it gradually. You may need to save from time to time and then embark on one project at a time.

It may not be possible to say that you will do it all at once but once you take it gradually then it will be better for you and more mild on your economical and financial well-being.