How To Break The Cycle Of Shame Around Money?


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Many of us have a hard time talking about money. We're embarrassed, or we think we're bad at saving, or maybe we just feel like it's a private matter. But there's a good reason that money is so taboo: it can be a powerful tool for shame.

The first step to breaking the cycle of shame around money is to talk about it and not just with your partner or close friends. The more people who know about your finances and have an opinion about what's going on, the more likely you are to feel supported and heard when you have something going on with your money.

Asking for help from others is often scary for people because they feel like they'll be judged or ridiculed by their family members or friends if they ask for help managing their finances. But this doesn't have to be true! The best part of asking for help is that it helps other people understand where you're coming from, which makes them want to help even more than they would otherwise. You might even find that asking for help starts an open conversation about how everyone can work together (or how someone else can help) instead of feeling guilty.