Financial challenges that needs you to get extra source of income


Valued Contributor
You might not think you need another source of income. And you might be worry if you should pick other jobs or you are still okay with the job you are doing.

Well you can take a look at the below financial challenges if you are faced with any of these challenges then it's time to look for an additional stream of income

Monthly spending exceeds income.
When you begin to have high deficit monthly whereby your expenses is higher your income. it might just be the time to add anither source of income to your life

.Have a credit card balance monthly
This is another financial challenge to indicate that you need more income. You carry a credit card balance every month. You would need to pay this balance as you have overspend and you need an additional income to address this.

You don't have an emergency fund.
You wouldn't have an emergency funds because you are not saving. The money you have isn't enough. So you need to work at an extra income.
Your rent keeps going up. .
If you rent keeps increasing you would need to keep up with payment so you might just need an extra source of income..

Outstanding hospital bills
You owe the hospital for medical then you would need to work at an additional source of income.

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