Features of German Public Health Insurance Program.

Etini Willie

Active member
As we already know, health insurance primarily involves an insurance policyholder paying a premium every month and in turn getting their health bill paid when they access health services. In Germany, there are two types of health insurance coverage. These are Private Health insurance and Public Health Insurance. This post is going to cover public health insurance in Germany.

Public health insurance in Germany is offered by the government and it is tied to the income of the insurance policyholder. The insurance policy requires that a holder pays 14.6% of his/ her income as health insurance. It also requires 3% of the person's income as long-term care insurance. Note that long-term care insurance is automatically bound to public health insurance in Germany. So in all, you pay between 17%- 20% of your income on public health insurance if you are subscribed to one.

Also in German public health insurance, an insurance policy by one member of a family automatically qualifies the spouse and children to free health insurance. This implies that if a wife buys a public health insurance policy in Germany, the husband and children are insured free of charge.

Also, with German public health insurance, you only pay a stated premium no matter your existing health condition. You won't have to pay more for it.

These are some of the features of German Public Health Insurance.