Buying Health Insurance in India Pros and Cons


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There are several aspects that you should consider when buying a health insurance plan in India. The scope of coverage, Reimbursement facility, and lifelong renewal are just a few. Read on to know the Do's and Don'ts before purchasing a policy. Health insurance is a necessity if you want to have a secure financial future and ensure that you don't end up paying more than you need to.

Lifelong renewability of health insurance plans

The term 'Lifelong renewability' refers to a health insurance clause which allows policyholders to renew their cover without re-qualifying. This feature helps save time and money. The Insurance Regulatory and Department Authority of India has approved this feature. The insurance company will provide a reduction in premiums if you opt for lifetime renewability. However, you must ensure that you have a policy before you start claiming.

Ensure that your health insurance policy covers pre-existing conditions. Some policies may only cover illnesses if you have been ill for at least 48 months. Others may require a shorter waiting period. Either way, it is important to choose a plan that offers lifetime renewability. You'll be glad you did. The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India recently mandated that health insurance plans be guaranteed renewability. This means that you can renew your policy without having to worry about high premiums and hassles.

Scope of coverage

When you're shopping for health insurance, you should consider the extent of coverage. Most plans come with basic coverage benefits, but you should look for additional features that set them apart. If you're pregnant, for example, you should look for coverage that covers maternity care. If you're not, skip this coverage. Other coverage features you may want include annual health checkups, high no-claim bonus, and sum insured restoration.

One of the biggest challenges for the industry today is the plethora of different types of health insurance products available. The scope of coverage for different policies varies considerably, and the same omission may mean something completely different to different people. Exclusions can create a lot of confusion among customers, so standardized policies should eliminate any ambiguity. The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDA) wants to standardize the wording and content of insurers' 'exclusions'.

Reimbursement facility

Reimbursement facility in health insurance India has been introduced in various forms in the country. Some health insurance plans reimburse expenses of hospitalization, which are related to specific illnesses. Some health insurance policies reimburse hospital bills in full, while others reimburse expenses in part. For a full understanding of how the reimbursement facility works, read the policy documents. Then, compare your coverage to the cost of the hospital bill.

The National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) is a government scheme for individuals in the lowest two income quintiles. It provides an annual insurance cover of INR 5 lakh for a family of four. The program covers secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. This coverage includes outpatient, inpatient, and post-hospitalization care. It is based on the Socio-Economic Caste Census, and applies to over 100 million low-income families. Reimbursement is a cashless transaction.

Do's and don'ts

Do's and don'ts of buying health insurance in India vary from one insurer to another. It's important to follow all the guidelines and regulations before buying an insurance policy. Be sure to never eat uncooked street food or vegetables. Avoid taking pictures of slums and people, and wear appropriate clothing. Most insurance plans also restrict when you can visit a specialist or undergo certain procedures.

Buying a health insurance policy involves several do's and don'ts. The main purpose of purchasing a health insurance policy is to protect yourself in case of a medical emergency and to pay for the medical expenses that may arise. There are many types of health insurance policies, and the premiums will depend on the type of cover you choose. Most health insurance companies will offer easy claim settlement processes. Choose an insurer that you trust, as they are more likely to settle claims.

Comparison of health insurance plans

The online version of comparison of health insurance plans in India makes the process of choosing a plan very easy. After you have inputted your details, you will get the list of health insurance plans along with their features, pricing, and claim procedure. Besides this, it saves time and effort since you don't have to visit various offices to collect information. Moreover, online health insurance comparison is free of cost and available round-the-clock.

Despite being regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of India, the quality of health insurance plans may vary. Some insurers' claims record is an indicator of how trustworthy the insurance company is, and you can check it by visiting their website or looking up testimonials from previous policy holders. In order to make the best decision, compare health insurance policies and select the one that suits your needs. In the online world, it's not difficult to do - health insurance companies even have their own mobile applications that can help you compare premiums.


Valued Contributor
When it comes to buying health insurance in India, there are both pros and cons to consider. On the one hand, health insurance can be extremely expensive, making it difficult for families to afford. On the other hand, however, not having health insurance can be even more costly if someone in the family becomes ill or injured.

So, what are the pros and cons of buying health insurance in India? Let’s take a look.

Pros of Buying Health Insurance in India

1. You will be covered in the event of an unforeseen medical emergency.

2. Your family will be protected financially if you become sick or injured and are unable to work.

3. You will have peace of mind knowing that you and your family are covered in case of a medical emergency.

Cons of Buying Health Insurance in India

1. Health insurance can be expensive, making it difficult for families to afford.

2. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you may not be covered.

3. You may have to pay a deductible before your insurance coverage kicks in.

At the end of the day, the decision of whether or not to buy health insurance in India is a personal one. There are pros and cons to consider, but ultimately you will need to decide what is best for you and your family.