10 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Spending Money


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There are a lot of ways to save money. You can buy cheaper items, use coupons, or even try to make your own things. But sometimes, you just need to take a break from saving money and spend it on something fun instead. Here are 10 productive things you can do instead of spending money:

1.Volunteer at a homeless shelter or food bank

2.Do a little research on how you can better use your money and make it last longer (like learning about financial planning or budgeting).

3.Get involved in your community by volunteering for things like neighborhood cleanup days, blood drives, or helping with charity events (even if it's just volunteering to put together an event)

4.Find a fun hobby that you enjoy doing with friends that doesn't cost too much money (like gardening, knitting, cooking, sewing).

5.Learn how to cook healthy meals with grocery store ingredients instead of buying takeout every day.

6.Give back to the community in other ways than just donating money every month. however much is available for you! This could include volunteering at a shelter or food bank, donating used clothing to those who need it more than you do, giving blood regularly if possible, etc.).

7. Buy a gallon of milk from the store and donate it to your local food bank.

8. Buy a book from the library for $1, then donate it to someone else at the library for free.

9. Buy something used on Amazon or Ebay instead of buying new (which saves you money).

10. Enjoy good food instead of eating out every day.


Valued Contributor
These are really creative to do than just thinking about going on spending spree and just spending money. I like the idea of seeking a fun hobby that one can enjoy doing with friends that doesn't cost too much money one can go gardening, knitting even sewing especially for ladies..

If one can't cook then it might just be time to learn how to cook healthy meals with grocery store ingredients to stop self from indulging or buy takeout every day.

Another will be volunteering at a shelter or food bank to help out or even donating used clothing to those who need it. Just go do charity.