Where to buy disability insurance?


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If you're looking for disability insurance, there are several places to start. The first place to check out is your local bank or credit union. They may offer a financial product that gives you the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

If not, try searching online for disability insurance companies that specialize in offering coverage for people with disabilities. You can also check out companies that specialize in offering coverage for people with cancer, heart disease, and other common illnesses.

Another option is to look into buying a policy directly from the insurance company itself. If you know someone who has purchased insurance from any company. they may be able to help you find the right policy at a reasonable price.

There are also many different types of coverage and benefits that are available and the rates vary significantly. So, before you go shopping for the best coverage for your needs, it's important to understand what you're getting into.

The type of disability coverage that you need depends on whether or not you have dependents and/or other income streams that would be impacted by your injury or illness. You may also want to consider whether or not there is a preexisting condition exclusion in your policy. If so, this could mean that it won't cover any medical expenses related to your injury or illness until after the exclusion period has ended (usually three months).