What are some tips for making additional money?

Having trouble making extra money? Here are some tips for doing exactly that!

-First and foremost, find a job outside of your regular career. Every little bit counts, so if you work at a fast-food restaurant on the side or clean an office building on the weekend, these extra jobs will allow you to earn more than enough money to cover your bills.
-Save all of your spare change in a jar, set up alarms on your computer so that you don't forget to deposit any cash into that jar! You'll be amazed by how much coinage accumulates over time and will have plenty of cash in hand when it's payday.
-Ask friends and family members to donate their spare change to you. With enough coins and other items, you can earn quite a bit of money all at once.
-Set up a lemonade stand, sell homemade cookies or cakes, rake leaves or shovel snow for neighborhood homeowners in the fall, wash cars, etc... All of these are great ways to earn additional money!
-Work on the weekends at your favorite store (like Target or WalMart), many stores offer employee discounts and if you're shopping for groceries anyway it's just another avenue for earning extra money.
-Sell your unwanted items on eBay or Craigslist... There are many items available for sale on the internet (even in person) and if you have a method of selling the product it's probably worth looking into.
-Starter packs are an excellent way to make some extra money and they can be purchased at your favorite store or online. Let's say you're an aspiring photographer and you want to sell your photos, you might consider purchasing starter packs that include professional lighting equipment or camera accessories.
-Many companies have a bulletin board in the center of their office where employees can post messages, you can be seen by potential employers who are looking for talent.
-Set up a website, put your resume and photos on there and see what type of work you're qualified for. Even if it's something that doesn't directly correlate to your profession, it's still worth serious consideration.
-Set up a business on eBay or Craigslist and sell items that you already have... There's no reason not to give this option a try!
And above all else, don't give up! This is not an easy beginning in anything we do and it takes time to build our skills and experience.


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If you have a 9-5 job, you can utilize your spare time or even weekends to make additional money. How you can make additional money depends on a number of things such as your knowledge, skills, and expertise, the time you have, your interest and passion, etc. Sometimes you might not be able to make additional money even if you want. For instance, when I had a job, I did not have time to work on additional income. I was working 10 hours in a day and sometimes even during the weekends, and I never had any spare time to work.