Save money by the help of parents or a family member or partner


Active member
I think it is good to get help of another person rather than saving money in bank account. Save money at bank account means you could withdraw this money anytime and even spend lavishly the money for non sense purchase.
Some people have the habit to save part of their money with help of parents or family member or husband/wife better than save at bank account and make unecessaries purchases with credit card which let you run fast of funds.
What do you think?


Valued Contributor
This is more like different strokes for different folks if you think keeping your money with your parents or friends will help you not to spend lavishly then you go ahead with it. it is still a good idea but they should find a very reliable person so that you will not regret your actions at the end of the day if you leave your money with a spender and by the time you ask for it you begin to get plenty stories about the money you be very frustrated.

.I prefer to leave my money in the bank and I have peace of mind that my money is safe and I can take it at any time so I don't spend money unwisely.


Verified member
When it comes to saving, it can be made Much easier when someone helps you to save you rather than you saving it yourself. Not even in your bank account the money can be spent lavishly and on irrelevant things which doesn't matter at all, and can be as a result of easy access to the money.
But when the money you're saving, is with the member of your family or someone you and trust then there's not an easy access to it and by doing this it will enhance your saving and also boost your fund massively in great ways.