Role of the insurance company/ employer in return to light work.

Etini Willie

Active member
After a job injury that leaves you completely disabled, there is every likelihood that your employer would tell you to return to work after some time. The first stage is that the staff returns to light work. But as a staff, you have to be sure of what cover is provided for you in case of a further strain of the injury. Let's look into the roles of the employer and the worker's compensation insurance provider kn an injured staff returns to light work.

According to the laws of Georgia, if an employee is called back to light duties after a work injury that leaves the employee disabled, the staff should not return to work unless the insurance company does the needful. The needful here is that the insurance company and the employer must send the doctor that is treating the staff a detailed description of the light duties involved. It must include the number of hours the staff is working a week, the weekly pay, and the description of the task. It is also to be sent to the staff and the staff's attorney.

The doctor has to approve the light duties for all parties to be sure of safety of everyone.