How will you use your time during retirement?


Verified member
The way you use your time in teems of retirement really matter a lot and also has the ability to affect your retirement .
As a matter of fact , your timeline doesn't end as soon as you retire , yeah you're meant to keep going in life until your last breath .
Many retiree tends to retire just to get rest . that is , do nothing anymore . which is not suppose be .
As a matter of fact , thus kind of lifestyle us very wrong because even as a retiree you can still do one or two things , which could fetch you some income .
Though even if you ain't working for the purpose of funds or money , but just for you to remain on the line and updated .
How will I use by time during retirement ?
Making you of your time in the below ways might be helpful to you and improve your status considerably ;
1. Reading notes books and magazines or newspapers
2. Having something doing .that is , a job .
3. Taking part on excersis.
4. Spending time with families and friends .
5. Taking part in sports .. Etc.