How To Make Money On YouTube (7 Simple Steps)


Valued Contributor
Here are 7 easy steps to make money on YouTube:

1. Make a great video.
2. Upload it to your channel and add tags about it.
3. Promote the video on other social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr (to name a few).
4. Create an enticing title which grabs viewer attention and includes a relevant keyword or two
5. Include a description paragraph that also includes a relevant keyword.
6. Upload it to Youtube
7. Track your video's progress and growth in views and shares to see what's working - what you should keep doing and what you should stop doing
With these simple steps, you can have your video viewed by countless others on YouTube and the other social media platforms listed above. You could possibly even receive money for your work if the video is deemed worthy enough by YouTube!