Do I need Daily Budget?


Verified member
Budgeting is an important aspect of personal fianace, which ought to be taken care of.
Do I need to budget daily?
First what is daily budgeting?
Daily budgeting involves a consistent budgeting whivh is brought about everyday planning.
Thus, some people tends to go for this daily budget rather than frequent budget or permanent budget..
As individual it's compulsory to decide on the kind of budget you want to go for. But any type of the budget you're counting on, huat make sure that it suits your job.
This is because if a wrong type of budget is been chosen and which doesn't suits your job.

Let me share some tips regarding how to select a budget that suits your job;
•Choose the type of budget that matches your job. In the sense that if you're a daily worker who earns and gets his income daily then it's advisable to go for daily budget. This ia because your expenses and planning is directed towards daily basis.
On the other hand, for salary or monthly earner can go for either permanent or monthly budget.
Though it's recommended to go for monthly budget instead of permanent, due to the fact that your expenses and income us scheduled on monthly basis.

Paul Abel

Active member
Whether you are going to use a daily budget or whatsoever interval of budget be it monthly, yearly or whatsoever, the only thing that you should consider is your preference.

You have to look at what you prefer and the reason that you prefer it should be that it is more easy for you to implement and use or put into action. Some people cannot be able to abide by their monthly budget but once the budget is a daily one then it is more easier for them to implement it because it is very timely and it comes at an immediate time which you may not be able to skip abiding by.