Health Insurance Crimes in the United States

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Health insurance crimes have many facets and complex issues associated with them. Most people associate health care crimes with the VA system, but these are only the tip of the iceberg. Health care crimes are rampant in the US due to lack of coverage and high costs. However, there is hope for a complete health care system for all Americans if these issues are addressed.

The United States does not have a complete health care system like many other countries do. While many other countries have a complete system of government funded hospitals and insurance, the US struggles with covering its citizens' healthcare needs. People who cannot afford medical insurance must fend for themselves when it comes to staying healthy. This is why many Americans are sick and in poor physical condition despite having adequate income. The US has one of the highest rates of disease and death in comparison to other countries. Unfortunately, there is little the government can do to change this due to low healthcare ratings.

Health care crimes occur frequently in America due to lack of government health coverage. Many Americans must choose between paying their medical bills or buying food, which is cruel and inhumane. Others choose to go without medical care because they cannot afford it. In these cases, criminals take advantage of people who are desperate for healthcare by pretending to be doctors or pharmacists. They prey on the sick and poor by charging high prices for fake medicine or services, many of which are fraudulent. This is how con artists make money off unsuspecting people with poor health conditions.

Crime rates related to health care are increasing in the US due to low rates of coverage and expensive fake medicine sales online. The VA system received a failing grade in 2017 from an audit report showing falsified records and patient deaths creating controversy among veterans' groups. However, there is hope for a complete health care system if these issues are addressed properly. Anyone can fall victim to health insurance crimes when they cannot afford medical attention, no matter who provides that coverage.
Healthcare | Healthcare Insurance Blog

Healthcare is a health insurance exchange website operated by the United States federal government under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act or ACA, commonly referred to as “Obamacare”, which currently serves the residents of the U.S.

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