Social attributes that would make a good insurance agent.

Etini Willie

Active member
An Every profession has attributes that can make a person have a successful career in that profession. It is also true for a career in insurance agency. Insurance agency is a profession that requires constant communication with other people. It is a basic necessity for an insurance agent. That being said, I am going to explore the various social attributes that can guarantee success in an insurance agency career. These are

1) Selflessness: This is a situation where a person places the need of another ahead of his/ her own personal needs. A person who would be a successful insurance agent has to know that in the career of insurance agency, the wishes of a potential client should be paramount to the agent.

2) Intelligence in Emotions: A oerisn that would make a good insurance agent is not someone that is emotionally erratic. He/ she needs to have a calm and relaxed personality. He/ she must not let his frustration show in the presence of the client. Some clients are very difficult.

3) Availability: A person that is always present when needed would make a good career as an insurance agent.

These are the attributes that is a pointer to a career in insurance agency.


Active member
An insurance agent should be an extrovert and like to meet new people and explain the insurance policies to them. Introverts often find meeting a large number of people very stressful. The agent should have a large social network, so that he can generate leads and persuade people to purchase the insurance policy. The insurance agent should also be persuasive, and understand people well, so that it is easier to convert a lead into a sale since insurance policies are often very expensive.