How you can save money by learning and fixing things yourself.

Etini Willie

Active member
Your air conditioner is due for servicing and you need to call a technician to come and do the servicing. When the technician is done, you must pay. Some people pay for very simple things such as fixing a light bulb. No one prospers and builds wealth that way. You must reduce the number of things you pay for. If you can learn to service your air conditioner by yourself, you can save that funds you are using to pay the technician. Remember that you only pay for things that you cannot do for yourself. I have a friend that sows and makes female hair too. So the expenses on sowing for the family and making hair for the daughters is saved.

I spent so much on an extra lesson teacher for my 2-year-old daughter. I had to sit down and find out what it takes to teach the little girl. I started teaching her by myself and I was glad at the amount of money that entered my pocket from that initiative.

You can learn to do very small important things by yourself so you can save money. Basic Carpentry, electrical and plumbing tasks done by you in your home can save lots of money.
Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects can be an effective way to save money. Taking the time to learn how to repair or build something yourself can end up being much cheaper than purchasing a new item or hiring a professional to do the job. Not only can it help you save money, but it can also give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.

One of the best ways to save money by learning and fixing things yourself is to become familiar with basic repair and maintenance tasks. This can include anything from changing the oil in your car, to unclogging a sink, to replacing the filter in your air conditioner. Knowing how to do these tasks yourself can save you a lot of money in the long run. And if you don’t feel comfortable doing the job yourself, having the knowledge to make an informed decision before you hire a professional can help you save money.

Another way to save money by learning and fixing things yourself is to become familiar with basic tools and materials. Investing in a basic toolkit with the essentials – such as a hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and wrenches – can pay off in the long run.
You are right there is no way you will do things for yourself that you would have used a different person to make payment that you will not be happy that that money was saved and because I am trying to save money and cut almost all cost now I try to do things myself

The truth is that to cut costs effortlessly you need to try to do a lot of things for yourself. some people even pay others to cook for them instead of learning culinary skills from maybe YouTube if they cannot cook the money they pay the chef to cook for them would have been enough to cook more quantity of food
Learning and fixing things can be a sure source of income to you. In the sense that, if it's been practiced and done in the right way and manner.
Fixing things is an act, and not everyone got this skill. Yeah, only few individuals possess this skill and if it happens that you are gifted then it's just as if or said to be that you've gotten a natural stream or source of income, that even without government works or jobs you can cope and be able to handle your finances, possible more than government workers or employees and even business owners.