How can I reduce my tax bill?

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Sometimes you might notice your taxes are much.
So simply there is a solution to this problem. On a normal base, as an individual or worker it's not a advisable for you to allow your taxes to be much....
as matter of fact, it's instead said and advised to pay off your taxes on time in order not to encounter this kind of issue.
Have you thought of any solution? well this is simply what to do.

The first thing to do is simply adopt a chose amount of money which would be paid either daily, weekly or monthly on your tax basis. after a successful adoption. then you can proceed by making sure that your tax bills are been paid whenever you get your income. even if not all the taxes will be paid but at least a minimum would cleared.
By Simply doing this you can greatly reduce the number and amount of tax bills on you.
So it's not as if I'm encouraging you to always pay taxes whenever you get your income but at least you should always try to pay the minimum three or four. Though, that's if you are living in a high area.
What do you think about this?